Deeper - The Group, the Charity
Deeper - The Group, the Charity
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Sensone Forest Bathing Retreat August 2025
The Deeper 4 Day (5 nights accommodation) Forest Therapy Program at Sensone -Tuscany 2025 <br>3 - 6th Aug 2025<br>Arriving 2nd August - departing 7th August 2025<br><br>This great experience is based at Sensone, a chestnut farm and retreat, located high in the mountains of Tuscany, above the medieval town of Barga.- Italy. <br><br>You will be fully immersed in the magic of the chestnut forest, with four days of relaxation and direct connection to nature at its purist. The Chestnut (Castagne) is well known for it's healing properties and Sensone has a number of Giant and centuries old Chestnuts that are famous and well documented. Sensone has over 100 acres of forest, no noise, not overlooked, totally calm and the perfect place to recharge your connection to nature.<br><br>We have created this program for a small group of people (Max 10). Sensone is a centuries old, mountain side property, part of the natural local eco system, with nature in total control - we live in harmony and respect with nature and you will experience the very best of tuscan cuisine and hospitality.<br><br>The course is over four full days, but the event spans. 6 days - arriving the day before the course Day 1 and leaving the day after d
1.200,00 €
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Radiant Yoga with Linda Toski - a session download to use time and time again!
A 1 hour recorded course, set in a Tuscan garden, low impact for beginners and mature people.<br>Enjoy aone hour session with Linda, recorded in July 2024
24,99 €
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